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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

For your keen interest: Campaign on Healthcare - where should I go?


We have just rolled out an Auckland DHB targeted multilingual media campaign to Asian new migrants and students living in the Auckland city centre and inner city fringe suburbs about Healthcare - where should I go?. The intent is to increase awareness of the:

·         appropriate healthcare options of where to go for urgent, less serious health concerns, and when to go to the hospital emergency department (ED) for emergency care, and

·         benefits of enrolling with a local family doctor, or seeing one regular doctor who can manage one’s overall health (for those who are not eligible or entitled to enrol).



For more information, visit the revamped Your Local Doctor website www.yourlocaldoctor.co.nz to be viewed in either English, Chinese or Korean, and go to the Useful Links page to access the Healthcare - where should I go?campaign materials in English, Simplified Chinese, Korean, and Hindi, and videos on the NZ health & disability system (Hindi and bite-sized chapters for Mandarin uploaded next week) plus other health services and resource links.


Note, the Campaign messaging is also relevant to other new migrant and student populations living outside the Auckland CBD.

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