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Let Us Pray Prayers to Power Our Work Days.

Let God power our work days with these prayers.

우리가 일하는 날마다 힘을 주는 기도를 드리게 하여 주옵소서.

하나님이시여 이런 기도들로 우리가 일하는 날마다 힘을 주옵소서,


가을이 묻어 왔습니다 


Let God Guide Us. 하나님이시여. 우리를 인도하여 주옵소서.

For many of us, the work week often brings non-stop activity and stress. If we are looking for a pick-me-up, here are seven prayers to power our work week.


Let Us Pray A Prayer Before Work. 일하기 전에 기도를 드리게 하여 주옵소서.

Dear Lord, we give You all that we are this day. Please brush away our weariness so that we may be inspired in our work. Help us to discover new ways to reveal love to all we meet. Keep our mind clear and focused on all we need to achieve and give us the wisdom to overcome difficulties and find solutions. Amen.


Let Us Pray A Prayer for Protection. 보호를 위해 기도를 드리게 하여 주옵소서.

The light of God surrounds us, the love of God protects us, the presence of God watches over us. Where we are, God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is. Amen.


Let Us Pray A Prayer for Grace. 은혜를 위해 기도를 드리게 하여 주옵소서.

Dear God, we pray that You will direct our actions this day and make them holy. Please guide and govern our heart to make the best decisions and carry out our work with Your grace and favor. Amen.


Let Us Pray A Prayer of Thanks . 감사를 위해 기도를 드리게 하여 주옵소서.

Dear God, thank You for our job. Not just the work we do on our job, but at home as well. Please help us to stay focused and especially prioritize so our family doesn’t suffer. In Your Holy Name Jesus, we pray. Amen.


Let Us Pray A Prayer for Stress. 스트레스를 위해 기도를 드리게 하여 주옵소서.

We are under so much stress at work, Lord. Help us to cast our burdens on You, for we know that You will sustain us and will never permit the righteous to be moved. Amen.


Let Us Pray Prayer Before Work Meetings. 업무회의 하기 전에 기도를 드리게 하여 주옵소서.

Dear Heavenly Father, may everything we do begin with Your inspiration and continue with Your saving help. Let our work always find its origin in You and through You reach completion. Amen.


낙엽은가을이 지나는 흔적 


Watercolour Artist/Prayer Essayist/Columnist James Seo.

수채화아티스트/기도에세이스트/칼럼니스트 제임스로부터.

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