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신앙에세이 : We Always Keep A Long Obedience In The Same Direction : 우리는 항상 같은 방향으로 오랜 순종을 지켜 오고 있습니다.


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Ready. Set. Go. 준비하고 완료하고 출발하겠습니다.

That’s often how the final week of the year feels. It’s a time for reflecting on the past year and planning for the new year, a time for making goals and gearing up for a new run. I have great aspirations for the new year too. I want to : 내가 하고픈 일들을 열거하면

Drink more water. 더 많은 물을 마시며

Get more exercise. 더 많은 운동을 하겠으며

Eat more green veggies. 더 많은 그린 채소를 먹으며

And read more books. 더 많은 책을 읽겠습니다.


I might even run a half-marathon. I also want to : 내가 추가로 하고픈 일들을

Reach beyond my four walls. 정한 4가지의 벽을 넘어 이르겠으며

Meet new people. 새로운 사람을 만나며

Connect with Christian friends. 크리스챤 친구들과 연줄을 만들며

And laugh together often. 종종 함께 웃음을 만들어 가겠습니다.


These are all great goals, but the one thing I want to do more than anything else in 2016 is run the one race that God has laid before me. This race isn’t meant to be exhausting either. It is simply what my wife, Me Ja, calls “a long obedience in the same direction.”


As I think about the new year and all the goals I would love to accomplish, I want to remember what is most important, loving God and loving others. This is the real race we are called to run. And each step of this race begins with a step of obedience. One step turns to two steps. Then another and another.


That’ is really my deepest desire for this next year, that I move forward in obedience to God’s Word and the race He has set before me. Because when I reach the end of my days, this is what I want to be true of me, that I lived a life of obedience to God and His Word, loving Him and loving others at Botany Downs in Auckland. What are our other Christian friends most looking forward to in 2016 ? 우리의 다른 크리스챤 친구들은 2016년에 무엇을 기대하고 있는 것일까요?





Watercolour Artist/Prayer Essayist/Columnist James Seo.

수채화아티스트/기도에세이스트/칼럼니스트 제임스로부터.

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