제 2 차 퀸즈(KWNNZ)
l 가정폭력 이해와 해결방법
l 가정폭력 피해자 여성 쉼터안내
l 정신적 안정을 돕는 상담체계
l 실질적인 경제자립 도움안내
강사: Tracey Swanberg/ 권민경상담사
일시: 2011년 7월 11일 (월) 오전 10:30-11:20
장소: 알바니 하우스 (575 Albany Highway)
문의: 이수영 021-110-4771
셀리나 021-393-763
주관: 한국여성네트워크
후원: Lottery Grants Board/ 노쇼워먼센터
Activex Control problems are often encountered with a desktop, so ActiveX Errors Fixer dedicates to repairing Activex Control problems, repairing Activex errors and install ActiveX Control for your PC. ActiveX Errors Fixer is also an excellent PC optimizer. It can keep your computer speed much faster than before. Smart ActiveX Control Fixer Pro has many terrific performances. Besides repairing Activex Control problems also can clean registry and fix common problems including script error, runtime error, Windows install errors and so on. So, if you want to make your computer like a new one, just download ActiveX Control Fixer.