Thank you, gracious God, for the opportunity to live thankfully.

by 제임스앤제임스 posted Nov 24, 2012


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This is My Prayer :

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Dear Lord.

As I pay attention to the encouragement to do everything in your name, giving thanks to you, I realize how easily I fall short of this goal.

I can so easily take your gifts for granted.

Or I can focus on what is wrong, filling my heart with worry rather than thanksgiving.

Forgive me, Lord, for my ungrateful heart and my thankless living.


Help me, I pray, to be thankful to you in all that I do and say.

May thanksgiving become a true habit of mind, heart, and action.

May I learn to acknowledge you with expressed thanks, both to you and in the presence of others.

May I see your gifts and delight in them.


Thank you, gracious God, for the opportunity to live thankfully.

Thank you for your Word that instructs and challenges me to do it.

Thank you for your grace and for your Spirit who helps me to live with gratitude each day.


All praise and thanks be to you, gracious, loving, giving God. Amen.

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Watercolour Artist/Prayer Essayist/Columnist James Seo.


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