우리가 가장 깊은 감사의 기도를 드리게 하옵소서. Let Us Pray A Prayer of Our Deepest Thanks.

by 제임스앤제임스 posted Sep 18, 2015


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Let Us Learn To One Another Better : 서로에게 보다 잘 알게 하여 주롭소서.

Let Us Pray A Prayer of Our Deepest Thanks.

우리가 가장 깊은 감사의 기도를 드리게 하옵소서.


Nature Pumpkins


Dear Father God,

Thank You that You moved into the neighborhood. Thank You that Your neighborhood stretches from Botany Elim Christian Communities in Auckland to all places in New Zealand, from Cape Reinga to Invercargill. Thank You that You are our neighbor with skin on and that You speak all the nations.


Thank You that You invite us into a story so much bigger than just our own when You connect us to our sisters and brothers across the globe.


Thank You that no matter where we call home, we all call our kids in for dinner, have laundry to fold and put away, and days when we are overwhelmed by tomorrow.


Thank you for being the God who lays His life down as a bridge between us so that we can walk into each other's stories and recognize how much we have in common.


The Lord, Jesus. Give us Your eyes to see our neighbors and friends an ocean away

as the living reflection of Your own creation, sharing our own hopes and dreams.


Give us hearts that beats with shared joy, hurt, sorrow, and celebration.

Give us feet willing to walk in their shoes, their footsteps, their needs, and their stories.

Give us hands eager to serve from right here where You've placed us.

Give us minds to remember that there's nothing ordinary about our stories,

hat we are vastly more capable of world change than we might realize

and that often it starts with a simple willingness

to say yes—right in between our work day and our to-do lists.


Thank You for saying yes and coming to live alongside us, Jesus, and being interested in our stories.

May we be willing to do the same for our neighbors and friends.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. 



Watercolour Artist/Prayer Essayist/Columnist James Seo.

수채화아티스트/기도에세이스트/칼럼니스트 제임스로부터.


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