예수님은 우리의 해답이었습니다. Jesus Is The Answer.

by 제임스앤제임스 posted Oct 09, 2015


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Jesus Is The Answer :  

예수님은 우리의 해답이었습니다.



Always look for God’s rainbow

To cast away all sorrow

Somewhere just over the horizon

Love is the answer to a bright tomorrow.


Many times our joy may be incomplete

And sadness comes our way

Know that God is by our side

His love is the answer to a better day.


We will always face tribulations

And a cross we will surely bear

But God will help us through these times

Because love is the answer and He does care.


Every battle that we have conquered

Helps us in life to succeed

And if we keep looking for the sunshine

God’s love is the answer to all things indeed.

정말로 하나님의 사랑은 만물에 대한 해답이었습니다.


The Song of Our Lives


Watercolour Artist/Prayer Essayist/Columnist James Seo.

수채화아티스트/기도에세이스트/칼럼니스트 제임스로부터.


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