Jesus Christ Is Risen. :
예수그리스도께서 부활하셨습니다.

The Lord is risen,
Tell one, tell all, the Lord is risen.
The Lord is risen, go forth and see,
The Lord is risen, triumphantly.
The Lord is risen, our heart does sing,
The Lord is risen, Salvation all to bring.
Sing with us, brothers and sisters,
Rejoice and praise,
Our joyful hearts, to God we raise.
Dance with us, brothers and sisters, as we sing this song,
Jesus rose from the dead,
With Him we belong.
Proclaim to all, this Message we will,
The Lord is risen, He reigns now still.
We rejoice to see, He is Alive.
We see His touch in Autumn time's bright array;
And best of all, He is alive within our hearts today.
Watercolour Artist/Prayer Essayist/Columnist James Seo.
수채화아티스트/기도에세이스트/칼럼니스트 제임스로부터.