You are my reason, my Lord. 나의 주님, 주님은 나의 이유입니다.

by 제임스앤제임스 posted Jun 10, 2014


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You are my reason, my Lord.

나의 주님, 주님은 나의 이유입니다.

WIP   (Work in Progress)
Busy working away at some zen pieces on cradled wood panel
Lots of gold leaf floating around as it looks amazing under the resin which I will finish these pieces with
Almost weekend time!! Almost Orange is the New Black time!!!


You are my reason,

You are my way,

You are the inspiration to all I say,

You are my joy,

You are my light,

You are my star, so bright in the night,

You are my hope,

You are my love,

You are every treasure in Heaven above,

You are the One to make my soul fly.


So for You and with You this life I live,

Choosing all things to You to give,

Singing for You with sweet adoration,

With love, with joy, with pure celebration,

Smiling in my eyes, rejoicing in my dance,

Praising Your Name each and every chance.


Because You are my hope, You are my love,

You faithfully store treasures in Heaven above,


You are my joy,

You are my light,

I see You shine radiantly even in depths of night,

You are my sun shining each day.

Jesus, You are my reason, my purposeful pathway.

Jesus is the Light of the World!  Through His grace and mercy we are saved.  When we dedicate our lives to Him, His light shines through us to give hope and joy to others.  Thank You Jesus, My friend, my Savior, my King.  Read John 8 at --- God Bless

 -  Dom Sardone


Watercolour Artist/Prayer Essayist/Columnist James Seo.

수채화아티스트/기도에세이스트/칼럼니스트 제임스로부터.


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