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2008년 6월 21일 정기총회에서 통과된 수정된 정관 내용

Korean Society of NZ Incorporated
Amended 10th December 2007





The name of the Association is “Korean Society of New Zealand Incorporated” (or “the Association”).


The objectives of the Association are to promote mutual friendship, well-being and
Cooperation among Korean immigrants who dwell in Auckland region of New Zealand, to Support its members’ immigration settlement, to inform Korean culture to other ethnic Communities exciting in New Zealand through public activities and to strengthen friendship and cooperation with them while keeping good neighborly relations.


(1) Financial and other means of supports that are necessary for the Association to achieve its objective can be obtained through donations from individual, government, institution and organization as the representative of a Korean community.
(2) The Association can perform a procedure of cooperating with or joining institution and organization which is(are) necessary to achieve its objective.
(3) Except the specified case(s)of rules regulated in this Articles of Association, a president of this Association can appoint officer(s)who is(are) necessary to achieve the objective.
(4) The Association can buy, move, sell, turn over, mortgage, lease and rent the Association owned movable property, real estate through a proper procedure(s).  Proper procedure(s) means passing a resolution of general executive meeting and abiding rules required by New Zealand law. In this case, the Association should report a result to its members afterward.

The Association’s office shall be located in Auckland of New Zealand.



The Association is consisted of regular members, associate members and honorary members.

(1)Regular Members
Regular Members shall be Koreans of at least 18 years of age living in Auckland of New Zealand who have New Zealand citizenship, permanent residence or work permit.
(2)Associated Members
Associated Members shall be Korean students, managers of companies, of at least 18 years of age who have lived in Auckland of New Zealand more than 6 months, otherwise at least 2 years if he or she has lived for other purposes.
(3)Honorary Members
Honorary Members shall be Korean diplomats and their families, and Koreans and persons of the third nationality who have been recommended through resolution of general executive meeting.
(4)The Association should keep a list of its members and conserve it with records of names of its members and their addresses, membership status and date of registration.
(5)Including the rule of Regular Members mentioned in Article 5 Clause (1), right to vote and eligibility for election of every member should abide the regulation of the Election Administration.


Officers of the Association shall be as follows:

(1)A President
(2)Vice-President, a few
(3)No more than 20 Executive Officers
(4)Advisory Committee members, a few
(5)A few paid Officers including 1 Office Manager; and their wages are executed by the president through agreement in general meeting.
(6)An Auditor



(1)A president and an auditor of the Association shall be elected the majority agreement in a plenary session. If there is no winner in the first election, a final election shall be held with the two candidates of the most votes and a winner is a person who obtains more votes.
(2)A Regular Member who wants to be a president of the Association shall have either New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence, and should deposit a specified amount of Trust Money into the Election Administration after he or she is being recommended by at least 100 regular members of Korean Society of New Zealand Incorporated, and must register as a candidate in a given period of time by going through prescribed formalities. If candidates are more than two persons and being recommended by the same particular person shall be nullified.
(3)Trust Money is never be refunded, and the rest of Trust Money deducting the costs of election will be transferred to the Association’s budget as a fund.
(4)A person who wants to be an auditor of the Association must register as a candidate in a given period of time by going through prescribed formalities of the Election Administration after he or she is being recommended by at least 30 regular members of Korean Society of New Zealand Incorporated.
(5)The president can appoint vice-presidents, officers, an office manager and other staff, however their titles can be withdrawn if they caused any disturbance to development of the Association.
(6)The president shall appoint persons who have administrative ability and reputation for virtue and been recommended by every circles of society to be Advisory Committee Members, after obtaining agreement of the Committee.
(7)The Association shall hold a by-election to fill vacancy of a president due his or her absence or accident, but vice-presidents can preside over the works of a president if the period of the vacancy is within 6 months.


Officers of the Association should perform the following duties:
President of the Association should represent for this Association externally and manage the Association as a whole internally.
A Vice-President(s) should assist and a president, and substitute for a president when a President’s absence. However, a President can assign vice-president, vice-president, vice-president and vice president if a President’s absence lasts longer than 2 days. Incase of vacancy of a president, the vice presidents shall also carry out the above procedure.
The auditor should report finance and legality of accounting procedure of the Association and the affiliated institutions to the Members, and express his or her honest opinion about documents of the Association based on impartiality.
The officers shall form a committee, make important decisions of the Association on behalf of a plenary session, and carry out duties under leadership of the president.
(5)Advisory Committee Members and Board of Advisers
The Advisory Committee Members shall disclose their opinions and give advice to the Association, and the Board of Advisers shall consult businesses and management of the Association.
(6)Office Manager
The officer manager of the Association can perform duties under the direction of the president, preside over other staff and manage financial affairs of the Association at the same time.


A president and officers hold office for 2 years, and they can be re-elected only once again.



A supreme decision-making body of the Association is a Plenary Session.


(1)Plenary Session constitute with the numbers of Regular Members, and 2/3 agreement of attendants shall pass a resolution. Plenary Session shall be divided into regular plenary Session and occasional plenary session for the convenience.
(2) A person who is not a member of the Association cannot have to vote, but voting on behalf of a member is an exception.
(3) Voting can be taken place by a member him- or herself, or an agent assigned by the Member. A Member who would assign his or her agent should report an official document with the agent’s valid signature to the office of the Association 7 days prior to a Plenary Session.


Regular Plenary Session is held once every year in May and shall go through the following resolutions.
(1) Approval of closing account balance of the current year, and opening account balance and confirmation of business plan of the next year
(2) Electing a president and an auditor
(3) Dealing with the agenda which passed resolutions by the Committee


At least 10 executive officers or 100 regular members.


The Association should publicize date and place of a Plenary Session at least a month prior to the event. However, a Plenary Session should take place no more than 15 months from a previous Plenary Session


A president convenes General Executive Meetings more than once a month and resolution of General Executive Meeting shall be passed by the majority agreement in attendance of more than half number of officers.




(1) Finance of the Association comes from incomes of the following categories
(a) Fund (balance brought forward and remainder from business)
(b) Donation
(c) Others
(2) A financial officer has the following duties;
(a) He or she should deposit cash or cheque forwarded to the Association into bank Account    which was opened in the name of the Association;
(b) He or she can expense the Association’s fund under the president’s order, and Maximum amount of draft is decided every fiscal year in a general executive meeting.
(c) He or she should accurately record and keep bank statements, ledger, receipts and bills, and prepare for financial update and report.
(3) A financial officer should report documents of the Association’s income, expenditure, assets and liabilities to an auditor at the end of fiscal year or a specific date decided by the general executives, so the documents are correctly checked and verified.


A Fiscal Year of the Association is annually from 1st April to 31st March of the next year.



The Articles of Association can be amended in a General Executive Meeting by a two-third of agreement in the attendance of at least two=third of all executive officers.


The president shall exercise the bylaw of this Articles of Association however it can be done by passing a resolution of the Committee and through public hearing. 


(1)The Association may be wound up voluntarily if the majority number of Members in the plenary session passes a resolution requiring the Association so to be wound up and the resolution is confirmed at a subsequent general meeting called together for that purpose and not earlier than 30 days after the date on which the resolution so to be confirmed was passed.
(2)If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association. Such remaining property shall be given or transferred to some other exclusively charitable organization or body having objects similar to the objects of this Association-or for some other exclusively charitable purpose within New Zealand.


(1)Election Administration Committee
The Committee shall form the Election Administration Committee to prepare for an election of officers, and carry out the rules regulated by the Committee itself.
(2)Procedure of Formation of the Election Administration Committee
A Chairperson of the Election Administration Committee is a person who is nominated by the president and agreed by the Committee the chairperson should form the Election Administration Committee within 10 days and publicize the date and rules of election within 2 months.
(3)Amendment of Rules of the Election Administration
The election of officers shall comply with the rules of the Election Administration, but if necessary the rules shall be amended in a resolution of the Committee in attendance of majority number of officers and by the agreement of at least 2/3 of those attendants.


Apart from the specified rules regulated in this Articles of Association, the Association should abide New Zealand law and precedent. If there is no law in both cases, an alternation can be decided by majority agreement in a resolution of a general executive meeting in attendance of a two-third of general executive officers.


Under Article 1 of Supplementary Rule in the amended edition dated 15th December 2003, this Articles of Association is an original edition with amended supplementary rules passed the resolutions in the 13th and general executive meeting fated 10th December 2007, and valid from 11th December 2007.



List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
21 오클랜드 한인회 정관 개정본 (2022.06.25 개정) file admin 2023.04.19 841
20 제15대 상벌위원회 내규 한인회사무국 2019.08.09 1653
19 제15대 정관개정위원회 내규 file 한인회사무국 2019.08.09 2529
18 [수정본]제15대 오클랜드한인회 회장 및 감사 선거관리 위원회 내규 file admin 2019.06.02 4875
17 분쟁조정위원회 내규에 대한 보고 file 한인회사무국 2018.09.08 1570
16 오클랜드 한인회 정관 (2017년 6월 24일 개정) 한인회사무국 2017.07.05 3693
15 제14대 오클랜드한인회 선거관리규정 file 한인회사무국 2017.06.09 1793
14 오클랜드 한인회관 건물관리위원회 규정 1 file 한인회사무국 2015.11.12 1984
13 오클랜드 한인회 정관 (2015년 6월 27일 개정) file 한인회사무국 2015.07.07 2869
12 제13대 오클랜드한인회 선거관리규정 한인회사무국 2015.04.18 1844
11 오클랜드 한인회 정관 (2014년 5월 15일 개정) 한인회사무국 2014.05.20 3558
10 오클랜드 한인회 정관 (2014년 2월 21일 개정) 한인회사무국 2014.02.27 3707
9 오클랜드 한인회 정관 (2013년 11월 29일 개정) 한인회사무국 2013.12.20 3643
8 2011년 정관개정본(7월24일 개정본, 영한합본) admin 2011.09.30 28685
7 한인문화회관 건립추진위원회 규정 admin 2011.05.26 6501
6 오클랜드 한인회 정관 개정본(영문) file admin 2010.07.12 13149
5 2010년 한인회 정관 개정안 file admin 2010.05.20 8717
4 1995년 개정된 한인회 영문 정관 file 틱테리우스 2009.04.23 17902
3 2009년 3월 16일 개정된 한인회 정관 틱테리우스 2009.04.23 12521
» 2007년 12월 10일 한인회 정관 틱테리우스 2009.04.23 47124
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